Monterey Garden Insect Spray - Getting Rid of the Pests that Bug You

Should You Trust Monterey Garden Insect Spray?

Monterey Garden Insect Spray is the hottest product on the market when it comes to getting rid of pests in your garden!  Are you looking for a way to rid your garden of bugs that are eating your vegetation before and after harvesting time?  When it comes to growing a garden, there are essential items that must be in place.  Insects can typically be an issue or at least a factor when it comes to the upkeep of a garden.  For this reason, it is essential to have access to a product that can help combat this potential problem.

There have been many products out there that have claimed to have the solution for getting rid of pests.  Yet, many of those products of the past have only promised and delivered disappointment after disappointment.

Gardeners these days are looking for genuine solutions that will actually fix the problem of over-powering insects.  They are tired of seeking answers and receiving only further questions in regards to the solution o ridding their garden from pests.  This type of response only perpetuates the problem they already have, as the same products with the same ineffective ingredients are offered over and over again, to no avail.

Now, there is the Monterey Garden Insect Spray!  A revolutionary product that not only promises but delivers on its purpose of getting rid of the insects you have come to loathe.  This product takes a new approach in getting rid of pests, as it uses Spinosad, an insect killer that was naturally found within the soil of an abandoned distillery.

Should You Trust Monterey Garden Insect Spray?
Should You Trust Monterey Garden Insect Spray?

Spinosad is produced by fermentation and can be used on various outdoor venues, including, lawns, ornamentals, vegetables and fruit trees.  This product was produced in an effort to control insects like thrips, borers, leaf miners, caterpillars, fruit flies, and more.  The way Spinosad works in the Monterey Garden Insect Spray is by affecting the insects that ingest its ingredients; typically the ones that are eating away at your vegetation or foliage.  In this way, it has little effect on both, non-target predatory insects or sucking insects.

This insect spray is most effective due to its fast-acting nature.  Once an insect digests the active ingredient, Spinosad, it dies within 1 to 2 days.  Bugs, pests, gone!

One of the best things about this insect spray is that once it is dispersed to the environment, it does not linger like other sprays.  Instead, it is naturally broken down into hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen by soil microbes and sunlight.  One of the highlights of this product is that when it is used as recommended, only the insects that actually ingest something, like foliage, that has been treated with the key ingredient, Spinosad, will be affected.

Other insecticides are so toxic that if an insect simply comes in contact with even a dry insecticide residue, it is affected.  Spinosad, on the other hand, has proven to be a great alternative for getting rid of insects due to the fact that it offers a non-toxic solution for protecting your garden.

When you use the Monterey Garden Insect Spray to rid your garden of the pests, you are protected!  In fact, you are protected in more than one way.  You are protected, both from the pests that may have attempted to take over your garden and the toxic fumes that normally permeate the area once they are sprayed.

With the active ingredient of Spinosad, the Monterey Garden Insect Spray is among the fastest-acting insecticides of its kind.  In addition, since its elements are founded in a process brought about by the natural fermentation of soil, it is inherently an organic product.  Also, the Monterey Garden Insect spray uses an insect control method that has been developed by a new chemistry.

For this reason, it is most effective in its overall purpose of ridding your garden of pests.  Not only is it fast-acting but it is also odorless, which enables you to enjoy the benefit of ridding your pests without the lingering toxic effect that you often get with other leading insecticide brands.  Instead, the Monterey Garden Insect Spray is an insecticide that will keep your garden feeling and smelling toxic-free.

If you are trying to rid your garden of a specific type of pest, you will be happy to know that the Monterey Garden Insect Spray exterminates a variety of pests.  The list of pests that your vegetation will be protected from includes caterpillars, beetles, borers, leaf miners, and thrips.

Most commonly, the Monterey Garden Insect Spray gives specific control of the pests that may be frequent visitors to your garden, including the Gypsy Moth (moth and butterfly larva), leaf miners, borers, tent caterpillars, bagworms, fruit flies, leaf rollers, army worms, web worms, gall midges, codling moth, sawflies, and more.  There are some insects, beneficial to your vegetation, which are not greatly affected, such as ladybugs, predatory mites, pirate bugs, and green lacewings.

When it comes to bees, they are typically affected only by directly spraying them with the Monterey Garden Insect Spray.  Otherwise, you only need to err on the side of caution by timing your insecticide applications to dry for three hours during the times that bees are not present.

There are many options out there for getting rid of the pests in your garden – yet, none of them come close to featuring the qualities of the Monterey Garden Insect Spray!  Compare the Monterey Garden Insect Spray to the Results of Insecticides You Have Tried in the Past!

What Makes Monterey Garden Insect Spray Different

The qualities that the Monterey Garden Insect Spray offers are unmatchable!  There has not been an insecticide that has both, gotten rid of garden pests and, simultaneously kept beneficial insects.  Nothing else has come close to ridding gardens of pests while maintaining a toxic-free environment.  This product both, protects and disinfects, all at the same time!

This is the power of a new chemistry with a new approach!  Just what gardeners all over the world have been waiting for.  At last, a product that substantially delivers on its promises.  A product that does what its label suggests.

This product is one of a kind, as it, both eliminates bugs, with fast-acting techniques, and keeps immediate areas free of ongoing toxic fumes.  This is something that competitors have only promised but have yet to deliver.  One of the best things about the Monterey Garden Insect Spray is that it can be safely used on a variety of surfaces, such as, vegetable and fruit crops, as well as, turf!

Has there ever been an insecticide offered with this type of technology?  The technology used to create the Monterey Garden Insect Spray was developed by a new chemistry.  This new chemistry has brought about a revolution among insecticides.  It does things that no other insecticide has ever been able to accomplish.

It rids your garden of unwanted pests while allowing the insects that benefit your garden to stay.  Revolutionary!  It also promotes a toxic-free environment in the process!  All of these features, contained in one formula: the Monterey Garden Insect Spray!

The Monterey Garden Insect Spray is Different from Its Competitors

It uses Spinosad, an active ingredient that is not only effective as an insecticide, but also organic in nature.  This is an ingredient that takes a different approach to eliminating garden pests.  It only affects insects that digest its contents, which are typically the ones that are initially trying to eat your vegetation or foliage.  Thus, the Monterey Garden Insect Spray gets rid of the pests that are causing the most problems in the production of your vegetation.

Once ingested by pests, it immediately goes to work, in exterminating those very pests within 1 to 2 days.  Its gradual approach rids your garden of the pests that have plagued gardens for centuries.  Finally, a new development in insecticides that has revolutionized the way pests are exterminated.  This fast-acting formula gives gardeners an advantage that many have never been offered in the past.  It allows gardeners to accomplish two things at once:  eliminating garden pests, while simultaneously, sustaining a non-toxic environment.

The Monterey Garden Insect Spray Advantages – a Quick Guide

Insects Exterminated Environmental Factors Effects of the Active Ingredient, Spinosad
Caterpillars/larvae Non-toxic; Pests ingest it;
Beetles Made of organic material; Pests with Spinosad ingested die within 24 to 48 hours;
Leaf miners Odorless; Eliminates pests;
Borers Non-lingering fumes in the air; Generally does not give toxic chemicals to beneficial insects;
