Revealing the Best Substitute for Oyster Sauce

Looking for the Best Substitute for Oyster Sauce?

You can definitely find a substitute for oyster sauce if you think about what makes it most palatable.  Traditionally, oyster sauce has been created by simmering oysters in a pot of water until a thick, brown, flavorful sauce was produced by the caramelizing of their natural juices.  Nowadays, most of the traditionally-made oyster sauces are short-circuited to save time and money.

For example, many oyster sauces have a salt and sugar base, which is thickened by corn starch.  Flavor is often added by oyster extracts, essences, MSG, or soy sauce, which is also used to darken the color.  Another common trend is the presence of artificial flavoring, coloring, and multiple preservatives in today's oyster sauces.
Revealing the Best Substitute for Oyster Sauce

How Can I Begin to Find a Substitute for Oyster Sauce?

In finding a substitute for oyster sauce, there are many options to choose from.  One of the many options are the vegetarian version of oyster sauce, also known as, mushroom sauce.  In these sauces, mushrooms are often substituted to re-create the deep, earthy flavor that naturally occurs in oyster sauce.

Most often, these sauces are made with oyster mushrooms, which create a flavor very similar to that of the oysters.  Another substitute for oyster sauce is Hoisin sauce or soy sauce, which will taste somewhat different but, nevertheless, can work.  Another alternative that serves as a substitute for oyster sauce is, fish sauce.  Fish sauce is very much like the original oyster sauce due to its texture and flavor.

Yet, it is made quite differently.  Typically not in a vegetarian form, this sauce is sometimes made from a variety of fish. Another variation to consider is mushroom soy sauce, which is a combination of mushroom sauce (commonly referred to as vegetarian oyster sauce) and soy sauce.  This combination produces a flavor that many find comparable to traditional oyster sauce. Primarily, the only differences are that the sauce is soft and slightly sweet, with a deep mushroom flavor.

In choosing a substitute for oyster sauce, it is important to consider what matters most to your palate.  In doing so, you can rather easily select from the variety of oyster sauce alternatives that are available.  For example, if you are looking for a non-animal based sauce, the vegetarian oyster sauce may be a great fit for you.  If you desire a sauce that does not stray too far from the original taste of traditional oyster sauce, fish sauce may be the answer for you.

On the other hand, if you are in search of something slightly different but still along the lines of oyster sauce, you may choose the Hoison or soy sauce variation.  These all serve as great substitutes when it comes to oyster sauce, you just have to pick the one that best suits your personal taste.

Go ahead, consider what's most important to your taste buds in choosing a substitute for oyster sauce!

The Final Step in Selecting a Substitute for Oyster Sauce

To ensure you are choosing the best sauce, you may find it wise to consider one more step.  The final step to consider in selecting a substitute for oyster sauce will help you gain a better focus of your choices.  Sometimes, the best way to narrow down your selections when it comes to finding a substitute for oyster sauce is simply go out and taste test the different variations.

This may be done at your favorite restaurant, or, even through products you sample or purchase at a grocery store.  After narrowing down to two or three choices, taking that final step can help you find the most desirable alternative.

Oyster Sauce Substitute Sauce Characteristics Differences from Traditional Oyster Sauce Similarities to the Original Oyster Sauce
Fish Sauce Created by fishy liquid produced by fermented fish; Sometimes made from a mixture of fish; Similar texture;
Hoison Sauce Reddish-brown, dark, thick sauce; Often used in seafood dishes; Dark and thick sauce;
Soy Sauce Salty taste with a dark brown color; Vegetarian & vegan alternative; Not very sweet, may need to add sugar to make a closer match to oyster sauce; Provides similar flavors as found in traditional oyster sauce;
Mushroom Soy Sauce A combination of vegetarian oyster sauce and soy sauce; Soft texture; deep mushroom flavor; Similar flavor to traditional oyster sauce; slightly sweet;

Quiz Time. Answer in comments :)
Which factors are most important for you when it comes to choosing a substitute for oyster sauce?

  1. Are you looking for a substitute that mimics the thickness of traditional oyster sauce?
  2. Do you want a sauce that simply has the same deep flavor as the original oyster sauce?
  3. Are you in search of a total change when it comes to finding a substitute for oyster sauce?
  4. Do you want a sauce that does not use animals in its creation?
