My Dogs Ears Stink - Find Out Why

My dog's ears stink - there is really nothing quite like the smell of infected dog ears. Unusual and strange odors are just normal part of the territory when you have a pet dog. Dogs normally create all kinds of smell, frequently from their ears. If you occasionally ask yourself the question – why my dog's ears stink? – This could just be a sign that you have to provide your dog's ears a thorough cleaning. However, ear smell can also be a sign of a more severe condition including yeast infection, parasites in the ears or an ear infection.
Why does my dogs ears stink – What to Look For

What to Look For

When your ultimate objective is to entirely examine the ears of your dog, begin by observing it while your dog is resting. Focus on how your dogs hold its ears and move them before you even try to approach them.

If your dog is active and awake, get some toys or treats and a flashlight. The next step is to calm your dog and obtain its trust while preparing to concentrate on the physical examination of its ears. Try petting and talking to your dog and slowly work your way near the ears in a relaxed and casual way. Chew treats and food bribes are usually excellent forms of distractions.

Because the smell is what exactly first drew you to your dog's ears, follow your nose to the parts that smell the most strong. Explore the whole area of your dog's head adjacent with its external ears before your move to the inside of its ears. Once you reach the inside of the ears, have a closer look at the entire extents of the internal ears and as far into the ear canals as your eyes and your pet's tolerance will permit.

My Dog's Ears Stink - Ear Infection

Ear infections may cause your dog's ears to stick. Ear infections among canines are usually caused by yeast or bacteria. Other contributing factors that may result to ear infection and stinky dog ears include hypothyroidism, allergies, foreign bodies, wax, moisture, excessive hair and ear mites. Since the ear canal in canines is usually vertical, it can be easy for moisture and debris to be retained in them.

How Can You Tell if Your Dog has an Ear Infections
Below are some of the most common symptoms that can indicate that your pet needs to have its ears examined by a vet:

  • Loss of hearing
  • Walking in circles
  • Strange eye movements
  • Loss of balance
  • Head tilt or head shaking
  • Hair loss around the ears
  • Scabs or crusts on inside of the external ear
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Odor in the ear
  • Bloody, yellow or brown discharge

Home Cures for Stinky Dog Ears

Following are some simple home cures that you can try to eliminate the stinky odor of your dog's ears; although if the issue continues to persists or even get worst, it is a wise idea to contact your vet:

  1. Hydrogen Peroxide : Soak a cotton swab or cotton ball into a hydrogen peroxide solution. Make sure to use 3 percent commercial hydrogen peroxide solution. Use the soaked cotton ball or swab to thoroughly clean the inside of your pet's ears. If your pet's ears are dirty, prepare to use a lot of cotton balls/swabs.
  2. Vitamin C and Mineral Oil : In a bowl or cup of mineral oil, place a few drops of vitamin C powder. Stir to entirely combine. Put a few drops of the resulting mixture into your pet's ears and massage gently. Make sure to work the solution into your pet's ears. This technique will also eliminate ear mites that could be the causative factor to your pet's stinky ears.
  3. Garlic : Place a piece of garlic clove into a small amount of olive oil. Let it stand overnight. The next day, take away and discard the piece of garlic clove. With the use of a medicine dropper, put a few drops of the oil into each of your pet's ears and see the difference. If all else fails, do not forget to contact your vet at once.
