Best Home Remedies for Cockroaches - Roaches Begone

No-one wants them, everyone gets them, but what are the best home remedies for removing roaches from your home? These disease ridden, ugly creatures will readily invade your house and living spaces where they are largely unwanted.

Yes, there are many commercially manufactured remedies available but what if I told you there are many ways one can get rid of roaches without paying exuberant prices? Because it's definitely possible with only common ingredients that can be found inside almost any home.

One of the most prominent home remedies for the removal of cockroaches is bay leaves. Yes, bay leaves, the same herb you put in your bolognaise. Apparently, cockroaches aren't so fond of them. How does this help you? Well, by placing the bay leaves either whole or crushed at points where you know cockroaches are living or regularly visiting, you can drive them out.

This remedy is a simple, uncomplicated way of keeping roaches away from your food and other spaces where hygiene is of utmost importance. Out of bay leaves. Not to worry. Garlic, Catnip and Mint all work in exactly the same way. Now onto the more unconventional home remedies.

Roaches Begone, the Best Home Remedies for Cockroaches

Do you have some petroleum jelly around the house? Perfect, petroleum jelly is a great for trapping cockroaches. Simply open the jar, place a small bit of food in the centre and then wait for the cockroaches, while trying to achieve it, to fall in and get stuck. No jelly, how about ice cream?

Although possibly a little messier, once the ice cream is melted it works the same as the jelly. The high sugar content will be sure to attract a hoard of these unwanted pests. If you know exactly where the roaches are you can spray them with a mixture of water and dishwashing liquid.

Simple, easy and effective. So next time you think about buying roach traps, consider using something you already have at home, who knows, it may actually work better.

While effective for the extermination of a small amount of roaches, if plagued with a bigger invasion consider calling a professional exterminator.

Is it Possible to Prevent Roaches with Home Remedies?

So you've successfully dealt with the cockroach invasion using one of the home remedies listed above but you don't want it happening again. Is there any home remedy for prevention? The answer, yes, and the options are relatively uncomplicated. For the first you will need to acquire boric acid, white flower and sugar.

Boric acid is poisonous to cockroaches and by mixing it with the white flower, sugar and a bit of water you can set a highly effective trap. Now place these traps around the home for a few weeks or until you are satisfied the roach population in the house has reached zero.

Once you have achieved this, you merely have to make sure the roaches don't re-enter. Ensure this by placing more traps at the entrances of your abode. Don't like the idea of boric acid? Don't worry, you can use a water trap and some coffee.

This one is a little more complicated than the poison dough. It requires a few jars (depending on how many traps you need), coffee grinds, water and some cups. You will want to half-fill the jars with water. Place the coffee grinds in a separate cup then place that in the jar.

The smell of coffee is irresistible to the cockroaches and they inevitable will be attracted to it, fall in and drown. Again, once you are convinced the cockroach population has depleted merely place some jars at the entranceways to your house in order to prevent them from returning.

So yes, you can prevent a roach invasion with pretty much any home remedy. The trick is to completely deplete the population indoors and then prevent the re-entrance of the roaches by placing the same traps around the doorways and common entrances. By doing this you can ensure that your home and kitchen remain happily roach-free.

There is no remedy, commercial or home, that will guarantee 100% prevention. Be careful when using any form of chemical, making sure you have all the necessary safety equipment.

Possible Roach Home Remedy Myths

There are a few myths out there about Cockroaches and home remedies. It is important to know what these are, what actually works and what doesn't. So what are some of these myths. Let's start with the idea that a clean house is a good preventative measure.

Sadly, while a clean house may reduce the possibility of a roach invasion, it is not an effective home remedy preventative measure. What matters is the ease of access both inside the house and to the food within the house. Keep that secure, with a clean house and traps at the entranceways and you shouldn't find yourself dealing with a roach problem any longer.

Everyone has probably heard that a Roach will eat anything. This is actually true and why our home remedies are so effective. They will eat scraps, plant matter, garbage. This is a positive and a negative.

Negative, because that means if you have any of these things easily accessible in your house there is a possibility for roaches but on the flip side you can create effective home remedy food traps in order to get your home back to its normal state.

Finally, are you more likely to have a roach problem in winter? This idea is important because it could have implications on the amount of traps you have out to prevent roaches throughout the year. The answer to it is yes. This is due to the fact that cockroaches hibernate in winter and a warm, cozy house is the perfect place for them to do this.

So as winter approached it may be wise to put out a few more home remedies than usual. This will prevent them from using your home as an HQ over winter time.

They're the main myths covered and next time, when you have a roach problem, consider home remedies, you may save money, time and still effectively solve the age old problem of cockroaches coming into our homes uninvited.

Trap Type How it Works Effectiveness
Bay Leaves, Mint, Garlic and Catnip. Roaches hate the smell of these herbs and spices and these will effectively drive them out. Effective if you know where the roaches are nesting or where you’d like to keep them out of but not as effective as some of the other methods.
Petroleum Jelly, Ice Cream and Water Trap (With Coffee). When left out with bait in the centre (only for Petroleum Jelly) the roaches will enter eventually getting stuck and drowning. Quite effective if the bait is appealing enough to the roaches. You’re sure to catch at least a few per trap using this method.
Boric Acid. Roll up a small amount of boric acid with white flour, sugar and water. The roaches will eat the balls of dough, fall ill and die. Extremely effective when placed in the right areas. The roaches won’t be able to resist the sugary dough balls.
