Do Bananas Make You Fat? The Mystery, Solved

Should Sugar in Bananas Concern You and Do Bananas Make You Fat?
I know you're probably wondering, "Do bananas make you fat?"  Although there is sugar in bananas, sugar is not always an enemy when it comes to gaining fat.  Significantly processed foods that contain sugar are, indeed, the culprits.  As foods are more and more, increasingly processed, they lose key nutrients, as they move farther and farther away from their natural state.  For this reason, many boxed and packaged foods in the grocery store lack nutrition and are filled with sugar that can make you fat.  These foods, in turn, often lack the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals needed to help your body operate on a daily basis.

Bananas, on the other hand, are unprocessed, completely natural, with lots of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that your body needs.  Do bananas make you fat?  Some assume that just because bananas have sugar, that they will automatically make you fat and overweight.  Yet, this is not so due to the fact that your body does not absorb natural sugar the same way it absorbs added sugar.

This helps answer the question:  "Do bananas make you fat?"  Unlike added sugar, natural sugar, as produced in bananas, is not readily absorbed by your body, and, therefore, does not heighten your blood sugar.

Do Bananas Make You Fat? The Mystery, Solved

Do bananas make you fat?  When it comes to eating bananas, there are many nutrients to gain.  Its nutrients include potassium, biotin, vitamin B6, fiber, manganese, and copper.  Since these nutrients are naturally occurring, they have a greater nutritional benefit.  For example, since a banana's fiber naturally occurs, it means that you'll likely be more satisfied and eat less than with the isolated fiber you get from eating a cereal bar or granola bar.  Natural fibers take precedent over unnatural, isolated fibers.  Unlike naturally occurring fiber, isolated fiber is simply added to increase the fiber in foods, which contains less nutritional value.

Do Bananas Have Essential Vitamins?
Do bananas make you fat?  Bananas provide essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Among these are, potassium, which has proven to sustain muscle mass, lower blood pressure, and maintain bone-mineral density.  Another, is vitamin b6, which helps with producing energy from food, maintaining a healthy nervous system, treating anemia, as well as, maintaining healthy skin, eyes, hair, and liver.

Do bananas make you fat?  If you're debating between a processed bag of chips or a banana, choose the banana for maximum nourishment.  Nevertheless, there is such a thing as too many bananas!  Your diet should intake everything in moderation, too much of anything can possibly cause weight gain.  To get the maximum benefit with bananas, limit yourself to 1-2 per day.

Tip! Begin to plan the best way for implementing bananas into your diet for maximum nutritional value!

Do Bananas Make You Fat or Can They Make You Healthy?
When it comes to foods in general, gaining or losing fat often corresponds to the amounts of food one intakes.  Portions matter and are a great variable in the realm of weight gain and weight loss.  In addition, natural versus isolated, or added nutrients play a great factor.  Therefore, the nutritional impact of natural foods, such as bananas, is immense.

When you eat bananas in moderation, 1-2 per day, you give yourself the opportunity to receive the maximum nutritional benefit they have to offer.  As mentioned throughout this article, bananas give minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that are essential to what our body needs to function on a daily basis.  The natural sugar and nutrients found in bananas are healthier than any over-processed package you can find in the grocery store.

When & How to Best Eat Bananas Vitamins, Minerals, and Nutrients Calories in Bananas & Sources People Who Maintain a Diet with Bananas
Breakfast Vitamin B6 110-150 calories per banana Athletes;
Prior to the gym Fiber From fiber & protein; Weight trainers;
Eaten ripened; more antioxidants; Potassium From Potassium, vitamin A & C; Nutritionists;
