I Bet You Didn’t Know That You Can Use Essential Oils For Vertigo, So Here’s the Real Deal

If you have ever felt like the room is spinning but you have not been on a carnival ride, then you have experienced what doctor’s refer to as vertigo. Symptoms of vertigo include feelings of dizziness or lightheadedness and might cause you to become unsteady on your feet.

Other feelings associated with vertigo include headaches, nausea and tinnitus (or ringing in the ears). Most of the time, vertigo is caused by a problem in the middle ear. However, there are times when vertigo is a symptom of an underlying illness like low blood pressure or a head injury.

Essential Oils For Vertigo

Warning! Because vertigo can be a sign of a serious condition, it is important to see a doctor and determine its underlying cause.

There are medications available that can treat both vertigo and the conditions that may be causing it. However, if the vertigo does not seem to be caused by another disease, essential oils might be a better solution. Essential oils for vertigo can help relieve the condition naturally and without the serious side effects that often accompany other medications.

Essential oils can cause serious reactions if applied directly to the skin! Do not use without diluting them in a carrier oil.

How Essential Oils Relieve Vertigo

Aromatherapy using essential oils can help ease the symptoms of vertigo. The smell of certain oils works on certain areas of the brain and help to calm the nerves involved in causing the symptoms. Different oils often work on different symptoms. Some are good for relieving nausea, others for dizziness. Learning to use them together can help you achieve the best results.

Peppermint oil rubbed on the forehead and the back of the neck can help ease the dizziness and nausea often associated with vertigo. You can also use it by inhaling the vapor from a cotton ball or a diffuser.

Lavender oil is another essential oil that can be used to treat vertigo. It relieves dizziness and can help you relax. You can use lavender on your clothes, sprinkle a little on your pillow at night, or use it in a diffuser. It can also be applied to your skin in a carrier like almond oil.

Tangerine oil can be released by adding fresh peels to hot water. The fragrance of tangerine oil helps relieve both vertigo and headaches.

Basil leaves can also be boiled to release their essential oils, which can then be inhaled as a steam inhalation to help calm the effects of vertigo.

Dosage of Essential Oils For Vertigo

Essential oils are for external use only! Do not attempt to ingest them.

Commercially available essential oils are strong and usually only require one or two drops to work. Some essential oils, like tangerine oil and basil, can be created by boiling the part of the plant that contains the oil and inhaling the fragrance that way. You do not have to worry about overdosing essential oils because if the smell is too strong, you will usually know.

Aromatherapy with essential oils is a safe and effective way of relieving vertigo for all ages. However, you should use caution when applying the oils to a child’s skin. They can trigger reactions because most of the time, children’s skin is more sensitive than an adult’s would be.

Additional Help For Vertigo

Only a doctor can rule out more serious conditions that might cause vertigo, such as low blood pressure, stroke, migraines and (rarely) tumors. Treating these underlying conditions will most likely cure the vertigo as well. It is important, even if you have dealt with episodes of vertigo for years, to seek medical attention for new symptoms or symptoms that persist longer than normal. Symptoms like double vision, difficulties speaking and weakness are signs that your episode of vertigo might be caused by a life threatening illness that should be addressed immediately.

For patients whose vertigo is caused by condition called benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, supplementing with vitamin D can help. A doctor can help you determine if your symptoms might be related to a deficiency of vitamin D.

Essential oils for vertigo can be used in conjunction with other home remedies such as ginkgo biloba, ginger root and coriander. Acupuncture is another natural treatment that you may find helpful.

Chart Showing Essential Oils For Vertigo
Type of Oil Amount to use How to use it
Peppermint One or two drops Rub on the forehead or neck; inhale from cotton
Lavender One or two drops A few drops on clothing, skin, pillow or a diffuser
Tangerine N/A Put a few peels in hot water to release.
Basil N/A Boil the leaves; inhale the steam
