Planting Grass Seeds In Spring - Know Your Gardening

Some Things To Be Aware Of Before Planting Grass Seeds In Spring

If you've got the land and the time, planting grass seeds in spring is a great way to bring life back to your lawn. Spring is arguably the best time to plant grass for many reasons. For starters, the temperatures during spring tend to be relatively cool. This is perfect for new grass because it needs to take root before the temperatures get too hot and it becomes at risk of drying out.

Spring is also one of the seasons with the most amount of rain. This allows grass to get all the water it needs to grow up strong and healthy. Getting plenty of water in its system before the onset of summer will certainly help the grass stay lively for longer.

Before You're Ready To Begin Planting Grass Seeds In Spring You Need To Choose The Right Ones

Unless you are a gardening buff or a plant aficionado you probably can't tell the difference between different types of grass. The only ones you're able to differentiate between are regular lawn grass and the grass you find at a golf course.

However, there is a hidden world of different grasses ready to be discovered! They vary greatly by region so if you have experience with traveling a lot you might have come in contact with a surprisingly wide variety of different grasses.

Since there are so many unique kinds of grass designed to flourish within their own private ecosystems you can be sure that there are some that grow better in different seasons. Just like there is grass that is able to survive winters there are some that can only handle warmer temperatures.

The best to use when you are looking to go around planting grass seeds in the spring are those made for warm-seasons. Of those, two great choices are the Bermuda and the Zoysia.

Don't just use any grass seeds! In order to plant the best lawn possible it is very important to choose the right seeds. There are warm season seeds and cold seasons seeds that will grow differently in different climates.

Know Your Gardening – Planting Grass Seeds In Spring

First Step When Working With Just Soil

The first step to take when planting grass seeds in the spring is to make sure your soil is ready. If it isn't ready then you are going to have to work a little harder but it will be worth it. You are going to need to get your hands on a tiller or something that will allow you to cut into the dirt and shake it up.

Once you have acquired the right tool for the job, till the ground. Make sure that you don't cut in too deeply though or the grass will have trouble growing. The optimal depth is probably around two to three inches.

If you spot a lot of things that aren't dirt where you are tilling, take the time to remove them. This will make it even easier for your grass to sprout which will lead to firmer roots. Even out the tilled soil that that some seeds don't end up being covered by more soil than others. If you have fertilizer, now is the time to bring it out. Use a spreading tool in order to spread all of the fertilizer appropriately and effectively.

First Step When Working With An Old Lawn

In order to rejuvenate your lawn you are going to have to put in some serious effort. If you don't already have a good lawnmower then you should invest in one or ask a friend to let you borrow theirs.

With the lawnmower, try to cover as much of the lawn that you want to plant you seeds in as physically possible. Keep your lawnmower blades as low as they can go to ensure that they cut away at any unwanted vegetation and expose most of the soil. This will let you plant your seeds more easily.

With a rake, till the ground you want to replant. Be sure to keep an eye out for stones or anything that might prevent your grass from growing effectively. Don't till too deeply however, make sure you don't go lower an one-quarter inch down into the ground.

At this point you will be free to begin fertilizing your old lawn. Make sure you cover every exposed plot of land thoroughly. The last thing you want is for your grass to grow better in one part of the lawn than the other. Now you are ready to begin planting grass seeds in spring!

Planting Your Seeds - Spreading the seeds

This is where all of your hard work pays off. A properly prepared lawn will bloom gloriously into a soft, emerald landscape. Begin the planting process by placing at least half of the seeds into whatever machine you use to disperse your fertilizer evenly throughout your lawn. After that, start sowing the seeds into the soil and don't forget to form parallel rows for the seeds to grow in as you walk up and down.

Once you are finished, use up the rest of the leftover seeds by placing them on your spreader and spreading the seeds in a way that runs perpendicularly to the parallel rows you finished creating just seconds before. This will create a large grid for your seeds to grow evenly in.

Be wary of putting on way too much dirt over your grass. You will suffocate it and prevent it from getting what it needs in order for it to grow well.

Covering The Ground

It is now time to make sure your seeds are being covered properly. In order to do this and finish the process of planting grass seeds in the spring take a blunt object like a paddle or the non-pointy side of the rake you used to till the ground and pass it over the places where your seeds are resting. The object's job is to push small amounts of dirt over the exposed seeds in order to get them in position to start growing. If you put too much dirt it'll hurt the grass but if you put too little then its growth might be stunted.

After this has been completed, spread wheat straw mulch over the entire area that you just finished planting in. Congratulations, you have succeeded in planting grass seeds in spring!

Taking Care Of Your New Lawn

Once you have successfully done all of the previous steps you will have to patiently wait for your grass to start going. In order to facilitate this process make sure that the lawn gets waters every single day. Do not water too much though, you might end up drowning the grass! If it rains a lot you should limit your use of water as well. Your grass should only be getting a modest amount of water.

Guide To Planting Grass with Seeds

What to do - in chronological order How
Get the plot of land ready for the seeds If it has grass, mow it all down as much as you can, if there is no grass leave it be then till the soil and remove any materials other than soil, add fertilizer
Plant the seeds Use spreader to create parallel rows. Then cross them over perpendicularly with rest of seeds. Use rake or other implement to cover seeds in a bit of dirt. Water.
