Demystifying the Secret of Balsamic Vinegar Health Benefits

You might regularly associate it with salad dressings or as an additive to certain meals but did you know balsamic vinegar actually has numerous health benefits. Originating in Italy, balsamic vinegar used to be seen as a miracle cure. It was given to relieve ailments ranging from migraines to labor pains.

In the modern age we know that this vinegar made from crushed grapes isn't that miraculous but it still has quite a few benefits above traditional vinegar. From its low caloric content to its purported normalization of blood pressure, balsamic is definitely more than just a dressing.

Struggling with high blood pressure? Well balsamic vinegar, on top of regular exercise, proper diet and prescribed medication could help you out. A study in 2006 uncovered that balsamic vinegar had a reductionary effect on the hardening of the arteries.
Balsamic Vinegar Health Benefits

This of course, would lead to a reduction in blood pressure. The same reduction of hardened arteries also has an effect on levels of cholesterol within the body. By preventing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, balsamic vinegar limits the amount of damage it can do. On top of this, balsamic vinegar also has an impact on blood sugar levels.

The glycemic index is a measurement of how much a foodstuff will affect blood sugar levels. Foods that rate high on this index will cause a spike in your blood sugar levels, ones that are low will not. This is extremely important for diabetics, many of whom have to manually keep their blood sugar levels in check.

Balsamic vinegar is great in this regard as it scores low on the index meaning the spike in blood sugar levels will be minimal. The sugar content, however, is still high so some caution needs to be taken to stay below the daily recommended limit or if you have a medical condition that will be affected. So next time you're thinking of which salad dressing to use, consider balsamic, it might be better for you than you think.

Balsamic vinegar is not an alternative to traditional medicine. It should not be used in lieu of proper medication. If you are experiencing any health problems see a medical professional immediately.

Top Meals for Balsamic Vinegar

So now that you know balsamic benefits you may be wondering where to use it. Well apart from within salads there are a few other well known dishes that you can add a touch of balsamic too. The first of these is in soups or sauces.

Yes that's right, soups. We already know that balsamic goes well with salad and especially tomatoes. Following this logic it should be easily concluded that a splash of balsamic should go well with any tomato based soup. Simply add a dash to any bowl depending on your preference.

This one is a little more out there but did you know balsamic can actually be used as a sauce for desserts. Yes, that's right, desserts, even ice cream. For most vinegars however you're going to want to make a few additions before pouring it over your favorite bowl of cookies and cream.

To do this is quite a simple process. Simply add a cup of balsamic, some sugar and some cinnamon (if that's to your liking). Wait until it has formed into a syrup and then you can go ahead and delight your house guests with this interesting blend of flavours. You may even get bonus points if you point out all the health benefits that come with it too.

Do you have some tofu or meat and you're not sure what to marinate it with. Well, why not try balsamic? Balsamic, when mixed with mustard can prove to be an excellent marinating vinegar.

Put it on your favorite meat or tofu dish and serve it up, you'll be surprised at how well it is received. Finally, there's the well known usage of balsamic as a salad dressing. You can mix it with olive oil and salt and pepper to make a quick and easy salad dressing that everyone will love.

Recipe How to Use Notes
Tomato based soups. Simply add a dash of balsamic vinegar to a warm bowl of soup. This works due to balsamics well known synergy with tomatoes. This will add a unique kick to your soup and is bound to impress.
Ice Cream. Depending on the type and quality of the balsamic as well as your personal preference simple mix a cup of balsamic with sugar and cinnamon before serving on ice cream. Although at first you may be hesitant to combine balsamic with anything sweet once combined with some sugar this actually works surprisingly well.
Marinade for meat or tofu. Mix the balsamic with some mustard and then use to marinate. This one will never fail to work. It's a simple yet complex marinade to use.

How Much is Too Much?

As with anything, although balsamic does have some health benefits, using too much will simply reverse the positive effects. So how much is too much? According to the FDA one tablespoon per day is the recommended amount. This isn't much and shouldn't be hard to regulate.

Use it in one meal per day and you should get all of the benefits without risking going overboard. So limit your usage. Using it to marinate your tofu, don't use it as a salad dressing. There are many other foods that offer similar benefits that you can switch to, don't rely solely on balsamic to get you there.

You should also be wary of all dressings high sugar contents. By seasoning your food you could easily go over the recommended daily amount. If you're a dressing aficionado, however, you shouldn't begin to worry.

There are many low-sugar options that you can use as alternatives. The best, however, is just to opt to make your own. By combining oil, vinegar or lemon juice, salt and pepper and your selection of herbs and spices you can craft extremely healthy dressings that will enable you to continually enjoy seasoned foods without worrying about the negative impact on your health.

Who would've guessed that the tasty, tangy dressing that dates back to 1046 could be so good for you. From lower blood pressure to a low glycemic index it seems this dressing tastes great while having a good impact on your health.

Whether you use it as a dressing for your salads, as a marinade or on top of your ice cream what matters is that you're consuming it. By staying within the recommended guidelines you can make meals that are healthy for your guest while not taking on the bland quality that healthy meals can sometimes fall victim to.
