Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oils - Your Ultimate Guide

How The Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil Were Found
How early did people find how many benefits eucalyptus oil could have? It is commonly held that the early primitive people of Australia were there first to stumble on the wide range of things eucalyptus leaves could do. They were often used to help common illnesses like colds and helped ward off the intensity of fevers.

Fast forward to the late 19th century and there is tons of evidence that suggests that eucalyptus oil was used as a disinfectant to prevent wounds from becoming infected. It was also used to help operations heal. It was later used to sterilize catheters. Almost 50 years after that the US realized that eucalyptus oil could be utilized as an effective insecticide and could prevent ticks from spreading.

Nowadays, eucalyptus oil is used for an even larger number of things and it has become a favorite of many popular herbal treatments.

Benefits of Eucalyptus oil
Just like the surgeons at the turn of the 19th century found, eucalyptus oil is a great antiseptic substance.  Countless studies have shown that is can stop many kinds of bacteria on their tracks. In a world that is extremely conscious of how bacteria-filled the world really is, eucalyptus oil can make us feel a little better about it.

How The Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil Were Found

Eucalyptus oil can also help fight against the bacteria that eat away at your teeth. When applied to your gums or on your teeth it can build a protective layer that inhibits the growth of bad dental bacteria.

Using eucalyptus oil incorrectly can end up making you sick! Despite its many benefits it should not be used on small children and pregnant women.

Stimulating qualities
Eucalyptus oil is also known to help your mind. In its edible essential oil form you can ingest it and quickly feel its stimulating qualities. If you suffer from mental strain and you want a brief respite then taking some Eucalyptus oil can help ease your mind so that you feel more like your old self again.

The oil works by cooling down your overworked brain. If you've ever put some aloe vera on a burn then you will know exactly what this feels like. It is like cool balm being placed on a hot muscle.

If you're starting to feel the effects of exhaustion wearing down your ability to think quickly and efficiently, do not worry. Eucalyptus oil doesn't just make your brain feel better, it can also stimulate it so that you can think more clearly. In this way it can be likened to a warm cup of coffee in the morning except that it is much healthier for you than caffeine.

Improving Mental Activity
Although briefly covered in the last section, the benefits of eucalyptus oil extend to a lot more than just the physical, though the physical certainly contributes to the more abstract.

The reason that eucalyptus oil can help facilitate how smoothly you can processes information is because it sends more blood to your brain. The extra blood gives more oxygen to your brain and that makes it able to run faster.

For this reason, some schools have adopted eucalyptus oil and use as aromatherapy. The smell enters each of the students in the room and soon hits their bloodstream. Their attention is boosted and they can all think clearer and learn more efficiently.

Better Immune System
Like in any disaster, the sooner you mobilize troops or helpers the quicker you will be able to resolve the issue. Getting there as soon as possible allows you to prevent things from getting worse. Eucalyptus extract can get your antibodies where they need to be faster and more efficiently. Studies have verified that eucalyptus extract will allow your immune system to react a lot faster to any threats it encounters.

A more alert immune system will stop illnesses before you even have a chance to feel any big symptoms. They are the unsung heroes of a healthy body because they keep you safe but you never really notice them at work fighting to keep you that way. Using eucalyptus oil gives you a chance to give them a helping hand so that they can in turn help you stay fit and active.

Breathe More Easily
For those experiencing trouble breathing or have any long-term respiratory issues eucalyptus oil can help you. A very popular way to receive many of the benefits of eucalyptus oils is to use something to heat the oil enough so that it becomes a vapor. This vapor can be breathed in naturally and this will allow the oil to reach your lungs.

In your lungs, the oil's antiseptic properties will kick in and it will help fight off any infections or bacteria that is causing you to have problems breathing. The oil will also help clear out any mucus in your nasal passages and can even be used to ease asthma.

Bathe For Health
Another one of the benefits of eucalyptus oil is that it can be used in tons of different forms. We have covered vapor form and edible form but it can also be used with any bath. The oil can mix in with the water and the heat from the hot bath water will turn your bathroom into a mini-sauna or a large vaporizing chamber.

You will get all the respiratory benefits of inhaling the eucalyptus oils and you will also find relief for other unrelated ailments. For example, taking a eucalyptus bath can help you deal with arthritis.

This is because eucalyptus' pain relieving properties can be absorbed by your skin through osmosis and provide immediate relief. If you are taking a bath in order to relieve some sort of painful muscle aches, eucalyptus oil can also work with the heat to loosen up your muscles and make them heal faster.

You can even mix the oil with other blends that may have their own healing properties. Such a combination won't ruin the benefits of eucalyptus oil and will allow you to take advantage of the restorative qualities of the other products that you use.

Attention: Using eucalyptus oil on insect bites will not cure them, it will simply alleviate the pain. If the bites get worse, notify a doctor.

It Makes For Great Lotion Too
You can find eucalyptus oil in many over the counter lotions and creams as well. These creams harness the powerful healing powers of the eucalyptus oil to eliminate ulcers and patch up any small injuries you need to heal quickly.  If you are allergic to insect bites or simply don't want to deal with any of the pain or itchiness associated with them then you should also look for eucalyptus oil based lotion.

The lotion will reduce the swelling and help ease any discomfort associated with the bite. However, if the bite continues to get worse then eucalyptus oil should cease to be used and a doctor should be contacted.

Benefits of Eucalyptus oil Uses
Antiseptic Can be inhaled or used on teeth to help fight against some types of bacteria
Relieves pain Can be inhaled or put on skin to get rid of painful headaches and soothe tired muscles or arthitis.
Stimulant When inhaled or digested, it can increase blood flow to head and let you think more clearly, reduce mental fatigue
Helps immune system When taken orally or inhaled it can make your immune system more vigilant and ready to attack intruders
